Education and Pedagogy


Selected Reading

Quick Quotes

Marriage, this is what I call the resolve of two to create a unity which is more than those who created it. I call marriage reverence for one another and for the fulfillment of such a resolve. You should love this land of children, and may this love be your nobility. Faith as the power of truth which clarifies and frees from confusion, is the character of true marriage. Freedom does not demand intoxication or blindness, but power and clarity. Love opens up paradise.

- Eberhard Arnold

The childlike man does not experience God’s power and greatness without nature. He cannot disregard creation when he stands before the Creator. In the mysterious relationship of the created worlds, the believing creature senses the might of the Creator which gives greatness, life, coherence and unity to all things created.

- Eberhard Arnold

What I want for each young person can be only Christ’s way: to live close to God! To recognize and to do God’s will. To risk your life for the future kingdom of God. To be true to the call which has come to you. To allow your conscience to be more living, awake for the discipleship of Jesus. To temper your character and make the utmost personal effort for the tasks of God’s church. To follow the spirit and mind of Jesus Christ in everything. To trust the entire Gospel. To dedicate your whole life the whole of mankind.

- Eberhard Arnold

Additional Reading for Education and Pedagogy

Children’s Education in Community
A collection of writings by Eberhard Arnold on children’s education in Christian community. Arnold’s insights, while firmly grounded in biblical study, also engage the ideas of leading educational reformers of his day, and draw on the practical experience of his own community, the Bruderhof.
A Joyful Pilgrimage
Emmy Arnold’s memoir radiates joy, an enthusiasm for life, and an unflagging optimism grounded in faith. She tells the story of how she and her husband, Eberhard, came to discard all the trappings of middle-class life in 1920s German to found the Bruderhof, a Christian community based on Acts 2 and 4.
Eberhard Arnold: Writings Selected
Whether you’ve never read Eberhard Arnold before, or have already been profoundly affected by one of his books, this introductory selection from many of his important works will surprise and challenge you.
