The will which lives in the light repels the attacks of the darkness.
- Eberhard Arnold
Christ the coming Lord of the eternal world of light, reveals himself in His wonderful light as the Spirit of His Church.
April 22,2025
- Eberhard Arnold The Meaning and Power of Prayer LifeIf we ask God earnestly that His will may become a fact on earth, that His nature may be revealed in work, that His rulership may lead men to unity, righteousness and love, then our life will become work. Faith without works is dead. Prayer without work is hypocrisy. The Lord’s Prayer without the way of God’s kingdom is a lie. The prayer of Jesus wants to bring us to the point where its words are turned into deeds, so that the prayer becomes action and history.
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In Jesus, God’s image appeared with utmost clarity and finality. Henceforth it is from Jesus that man’s calling comes into our hearts. The image of God which He brings us is love.
- Eberhard Arnold
Every heart that is filled with God’s goodness reveals Christ’s humility and the patience of His love.
- Eberhard Arnold