The mystery of the Church is Christ shining in her. He reveals His presence in the pure fire of the Holy Spirit. The clarity of His light tolerates no defilement. The mystery of the Church is the pure expectation of the coming of God’s majesty in glory.
- Eberhard Arnold
October 11,2025
- Eberhard ArnoldThe purpose of our gathering for prayer is to call upon God to come to us and implore his Spirit to come down, to call Christ into our midst, not only for ourselves, but for the great events in the wide world. The reason we live in community is so that we may come before God with the power to pray and so that thereby world history may take a decisive turn, through the return of Christ, right through the end-time.
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He who waits for God expects judgment and fire. In the judgment of fire the light of His salvation shines forth. If your vision fails when you look at the sun, it is the fault of your eyes, not of the great light.
- Eberhard Arnold
Faith’s entered in –
- Eberhard Arnold, Sannerz, ca. 1921
true conversion is here.
Now the will is pure
and active and clear.
God is this will,
and he gives from above
new life, where all
was dead, and new love.